Myten om opium och vallmofrö.
Opiater är gjorda av vallmo, och även om du inte känner av någon
effekt kan du efter att ha ätit massa frön åka fast i ett drogtest!
Inte så kul kanske!
Engelsk artiken nedan;
Opiate drugs, such as heroin, morphine and codeine, are made from the seeds of opium poppies. The poppy seeds used in baked goods often come from the same or a similar type of poppy.
While the amount you'd typically consume would be too small for you to feel the effects, it can produce a positive result in a urine drug test. Several people have lost their jobs solely because they ate a poppy-seed muffin or bagel for breakfast before taking a drug test. As a result, the test is being revised to account for this eventuality. Vallmo
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